Saturday, April 4, 2009

How weird

In my country, there are lot of teenagers and young adults who like to wear weird. First, some of them like pants which are big and loose. So the crotches of pants are ridiculous huge and you may see their briefs sometimes. Second, some people like to dye their hair. As it known well, Asian's hair usually black. But now you can see a lot of different colors around streets even you can see somebody who has silvery hair. Another signal of these group is cell phone. In other words, they love cell phones and take cell phones with them all the time. However, they do not use cell phones to call somebody, they text. For example, they use text to exchange information and contact each other. Even though they have something important or are in the same position, they still do that. I do believe phone companies are happy. They have a same characteristic-revolt. They think they are right always and do not accept others' advice. The trend of them is boys are "becoming" like girls and girls are "becoming" like boys. Many girls like to wear like boys and their hair are short; many boys like to wear like girls and have long hair. Also their personalities are becoming oppositely. You can find clue in media. Personally, I don't like them, I feel they are strange. They just want to be different, but they are in the wrong way in my opinion. Especially for old people, they can't accept these young men anyway.

1 comment:

  1. This is true for Emo as well, the one of the two that says "Hidden is Hot" means that it's cool if you can't tell if someone is a guy or a girl.
